A Statement on Racism

In light of the racist words painted on the rock in our Romeo Community, Pastor Eric Majeski shares these Words:

A few days ago, we looked in horror at hateful words that defaced a landmark in our community. On that rock, words of encouragement, remembrance and celebration have lifted our community over the years.

On that rock was racism.

Our Christian faith confessed and lived out rejects racism. God’s Word rejects racism. All are equally created by God. All are equally accountable to God. The sins of all are equally forgiven by God through Christ. All are equally precious to God. Racial hatred is wrong. Racism is not acceptable.

Racism calls every one of us to look within ourselves. Righteous indignation without self-reflection and repentance is meaningless, or worse, hypocrisy.

God loves this world in Jesus and Jesus himself calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. We will tell of His love and live in His love, and strive to love with a deeper affection than hatred.

We will pray for our community, but we are compelled to do more. We will follow God’s directive for our lives, “He has showed you, O man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8).”

Jesus himself in fact is our Rock upon which our lives are built and all other ground is sinking sand. So dear Grace, may the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in the sight of the Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer (Psalm 19:14).

June 10, 2020

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